Our Collaborators
Ryohei Nakayama

Associate Professor Bradley Wyble
Department of Psychology, Penn State University

Dr. Hinze Hogendoorn
Senior Research Fellow, Melbourne School of Psychological Sciences, University of Melbourne, Australia

Dr. Charles Ludowici
Postdoctoral Fellow,
School of Optometry
The University of California, Berkeley

Associate Professor
Colin Klein
School of Philosophy, ANU

Dr. Vince Polito
Senior Research Fellow, Department of Cognitive Science
Macquarie University

Dr. Christian Vater
Institute of Sport Science, University of Bern, Switzerland https://www.ispw.unibe.ch/ueber_uns/personen/vater_christian/index_ger.html

A/Prof. Tom Carlson
School of Psychology,
University of Sydney

Prof Harald Atmanspacher
Collegium Helveticum,
ETH, Zurich

Dr. Gustavo Rodrigues Rocha
Department of Physics,
University of Fiera de Santana

Dr Florian Boge

Prof. Ian Durham
Department of Physics,
Saint Anselm College,
New Hampshire

Dr Karim Thebault
Department of Philosophy, University of Bristol

Dr Alexander Blum
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin

Prof. Donald Salisbury

Prof Helen Beebee
Department of Philosophy, Manchester University, https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/Helen.Beebee.html

Prof Jonathan Tallant
Department of Philosophy, Nottingham University

Dr Preston Greene
Department of Philosophy
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dr Christian Tarsney
Department of Philosophy, Oxford University,

Dr James Norton

Prof Craig Callender
Department of Philosophy, University of California,

Prof Alistair Wilson
Department of Philosophy, Birmingham University,

Dr Samuel Baron
Department of Philosophy, Australian Catholic University